v1.17 - Keeping It Simple

Hello there! :)

A smaller update for Lost For Swords, but cool nevertheless:

  • new cards drop between rooms instead of in loot cards:
    • new players didn’t realize they need to pick it up / actively search for it, and their deck did not get stronger, which made them lose runs early and often
    • it almost forced players to undo a lot because it was unknown what they would get
    • I wanted there to be many situations where you had to pick between a short term solution and a long term one that made your deck better. But those situations came up too rarely
    • not picking up loot cards was basically never a good idea, so there was no strategic decision there either
    • frankly, it was boring to pick up loot all the time, especially once all Monsters in a room were defeated
  • Gold gets automatically picked up when you clear a room: picking up gold was boring once the room was cleared, and you had to remember to do it… not any longer
  • Reworked reward for room clearing: if you clear a room of Monsters, you get 1 Gold per card that’s left when you leave the room, encouraging (advanced) players to use as little cards as possible
  • Reworked or redesigned various trinkets to feel more impactful
  • First room on a run is even smaller, to help new players get used to the game
  • One card in the Shop is always “on sale”, and greatly discounted

As always, thanks for reading and see you at the next patch! :)

Bye! (ʘ‿ʘ)╯


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Version 22 Sep 02, 2023
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Version 21 Sep 02, 2023

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